
I EXAM – Poster on a given topic and an object connected with it – placed for observation throughout the exam. The poster should contain text displaying the topic.
The task is placed after the drawing of lots on the day of the exam – July 8, 2015 for 8 hours.
Format of vignette cardboard – 50/70 cm
Material – color (except oil paints), chosen and provided by the applicants.
II EXAM – Drawing from life of a seated dressed human half figure for 8 hours on July 10, 2015.
Format of vignette cardboard – 50/70 cm
Material – black, for drawing, chosen and provided by the applicants.
– Painting courses: ++359 2  988 17 02
– Consultations on poster: ++359 2  988 59 00
1. Visual Communication
2. Poster
3. Caligraphy
Admission of students to the educational degree Master is carried out through an exam, which consists of interviews of candidates with the committee and discussion of presented portfolio in free format, scope and content. Candidates from Poster and Visual Communication Department graduated in the current year, apply with the assessment of their thesis.
The exam is held on July 7, 2015